Interview Flutter
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Let’s see what it looks like to interview as a flutter dev.
Q 1. What’s your experience in Flutter?
This is because flutter is a young tech in the market and people have less experience in this. And they want to know if you have some knowledge of Flutter.
Remember to leave a good impression on this question. You can add a few things to this answer.
How you came across Flutter?
When did you start working with Flutter?
How many applications did you make in Flutter?
What topics you have covered [ Animations, State Management, APIs,…]?
Courses, Bootcamp, Preparations.
Q 2. Do you have experience in Android/iOS native?
This comes under the most asked question to flutter developers. Since we do not have packages/plugins for everything, we have to use native code to build plugins for ourselves. This is why we should have some sort of native experience.
Q 3. Why did you choose flutter instead of React Native or other cross-platform technology?
I asked this question to everyone I interview. This is because the motivation behind choosing a technology will speak a lot of things, like his interest to learn and gain more knowledge for the tech.
Now let’s divide questions based on the job position. We can have job positions for interns, fresher, intermediate, senior, lead developers, and managers. Yes, at these many positions you can get questions on flutter.
Q 1. What is Flutter? What is Dart?
Q 2. What is Cross-Platform?
Q 3. What is Widget?
Q 4. What are the two main types of widgets?
Q 5. What is the difference between the Stateless and the Stateful widgets?
Q 6. What are main and run app functions. How do they differ from each other?
Q 7. What are MaterialApp and CupertinoApp widgets?
Q 8. What is BuildContext?
Q 9. What are keys in Flutter?
Q 10. What are Hot Restart and Hot Reload?
Q 11. How to do animation in Flutter?
Q 12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Flutter?
Q 13. What are packages and plugins in Flutter?
Q 14. What is pubspec.yaml file? Explain few elements of this file.
includes everything from intern.
Q 1. What is the file structure of your Flutter project?
Q 2. What are the dependencies in Flutter?
Q 3. What are different types of dependencies?
Q 4. How to add assets in Flutter?
Q 5. What are the different types of Image widgets in flutter?
Q 6. How does the navigator work in flutter?
Q 7. How to send data to the previous screen in flutter?
Q 8. Explain the lifecycle of the Flutter application?
Q 9. What is SetState in flutter?
Q 10. Why Stateless widgets does not have SetState?
Q 11. What is dispose method in flutter?
Q 12. What is Builder in flutter?
Q 13. What are StreamBuilder and Stream Controller?
Q 14. What is Future Builder?
Q 15. How do you make API calls?
Q 16. What are abstract, const, final keywords in Flutter?
Q 17. How do abstract classes work?
Q 18. Different between SizedBox and Container.
Q 19. What is Named, factory, and default constructors?
Q 20. What are async, await, and Futures in dart?
Q 21. Several questions around widgets of flutter.
e.g. Multi Children Widgets: Row, Column, ListView, GridView,
Others: AppBar, Button, Icon, Padding, Floating action button, ListTile, Bottom navigation bar, Scaffold, SafeArea.
Q 1. What is MediaQuery?
Q 2. What is Platform Channel?
Q 3. How can I write code only for debug mode?
Q 4. What is Preferred Sized widget?
Q 5. What are the routes in Flutter?
Q 6. How can I generate routes in Flutter?
Q 7. Do you know any plugins for navigation?
Q 8. What are named routes?
Q 9. What is the setting in navigation?
Q 10. How to reduce app size?
Q 11. Do you know CI/CD for Flutter? How to implement them.
Q 12. How do you add the unpublished packages to the Flutter project?
Q 13. Can you perform database migration in flutter apps?
Q 14. What is the process of database migration in Flutter for iOS and Android?
Q 15. How do you store config keys in Flutter?
Q 16. Tell me something about optimizations in Flutter.
Q 1. How can you create an app bar from scratch?
Q 2. What is Event Channel? How is it different from the Platform channel?
Q 3. Have you developed any plugins? What was your approach to it?
Q 4. How do you estimate the time for developing a feature?
Q 5. How can you make sure that the app runs efficiently on every device?
Q 6. How can you make sure that the app’s UI is perfect in every device type?
Q 7. Give me a scenario where you will not use the existing plugin or package.
Q 8. Convince me to use Flutter instead of native android or iOS.
Q 9. What was the biggest feature that you shipped with Flutter?
Q 10. Do you know foreign functions in Flutter/Dart? How to work with them?
Q 11. Have you heard podspec, Gradle, pod? What are they and how do they differ from each other?
Q 12. An existing Flutter project is handed over to you and you have to add 4 more features to it. What would be your approach towards this?
These are few questions that a technical recruiter can ask you. There are many more topics in Flutter on which, questions can be asked. But I am sure if you have prepared at least on this, you could crack any Flutter technical interview.