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Mastering Git

Git is a free open source distributed version control tool that tracks changes in your file. As a developer believe me you need it more than anything else ('Just kidding 😛'). But its important.

Git Terminal commands

Here is a cheat sheet of commands you might find useful and come to love:

    git config --global "exampleuser"

-sets a name identifiable for credit when reviewing version history

    git config --global ""

-set an email address associated with the version history

    git config --global color.ui auto

-set automatic coloring of git in the command line

    git init

-initialize a local directory on you computer as a git repository

    git clone

-retrieve a repository from a central remote hosting

    git status

-show modifications on the working tree

    git add <fileName>

-add the named file to the staging area

    git add .

-adds all tracked files to the staging area

    git reset

-unstage a file but retains changes in the working directory

    git diff

-shows changes between commits,commit and working tree

    git diff --staged

-show changes made to a file in the staging area

    git commit -m "commit message"

-commits your staged content as a new commit snapshot

    git branch <branchName>

-creates a new branch

  • Branches enables you to isolate your changes and context and integrate them together when you're ready*

    git branch -a

-lists all your branches

    git checkout <branchName>

-switches to the named branch

    git merge <branchName>

-merge the specified branch with the current one

    git log

-shows all commits in the current branch

    git log branchB..branchA

-shows commits on branchA that are not on branchB

    git log --follow <fileName>

-shows commits that changed a file,even if it was renamed

    git diff branchB...branchA

-shows changes that are in branchA and not in branchB

    git show <SHA>

-shows any object in git in human-readble format

    git rm <fileName>

-removes the file from the project and stage the change

    git mv <currentPath> <newPath>

-changes an existing path and stage the move

    git log --stat -M

-shows all commits log and paths changed

    git remote add <alias> <url>

-add a remote git url to your local repository

    git fetch <alias>

-fetch all the branches from a central remote repositoy

    git merge <alias>/<branch>

-merge a remote branch into your current one locally

    git push <alias> branch

-transmit local branch to the remote repo branch

    git pull

-fetch and merge any commits from the remote tracking branch

    git rebase <branch>

-apply any commits on current branch ahead of specified one

    git reset --hard <commit>

-clear staging area,rewrite working tree from specified commit

    git stash

-save modified and staged changes

    git stash list

-list stack order of stashed file changes

    git stash pop

-write working from top of stash stack

    git stash drop

-discard changes from top of stash stack


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