Getting started
untuk start projek nodejs
install nodemon biar auto restart, dan simpan di dev depdency
buat file server.js
lalu pada package.json tambahkan pada script
lalu run
tambahan install eslint
lakukan setting
How would you like to use ESLint? -> To check, find problems, and enforce code style.
What type of modules does your project use? -> CommonJS (require/exports).
Which framework did you use? -> None of these.
Does your project use TypeScript? -> N.
Where does your code run? -> Node (pilih menggunakan spasi).
How would you like to define a style for your project? -> Use a popular style guide.
Which style guide do you want to follow? -> (Anda bebas memilih, sebagai contoh pilih AirBnB).
What format do you want your config file to be in? -> JSON.
Would you like to …… (seluruh pertanyaan selanjutnya) -> Y.
Last updated
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